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Passion for Travel

Traveling is a big part of my life; some might say I have a passion for travel. I'm not able to travel as much right now, but I still make a lot of plans for future trips and try to go as many places as possible, even if they're close to home. This might be relatable for some people, with things like money, time, work, or an old junky car holding you back, but you can't let these stop you from seeing the world.

Even if it's visiting a nearby city or town, you gotta get out every once in a while. I see people all the time, especially family members, who are so used to the same every day routine, maybe with weekends off to just stay at home. They rarely if ever go on trips. The thought of travel outside the country might scare or worry them! They feel like everything they need is right here at home and there's nothing to see anywhere else. Or they may think traveling is 'impossible" because of reasons I listed earlier. I'm not one of these people that's just gonna sit back and live this way, letting my life go by.

My view is that you only have one life, which you should live to the fullest. I want to see as much of the world as I can; going to every country at least once and every state in the U.S. Even if it takes my whole life, or more if I never get to finish, at least I can say I tried. I'll have so many memories, pictures, and souvenirs from my travels. Just imagining the amazing sights I'll see, new people I'll meet, it's what gets me excited and fuels my passion to travel. I don't understand how people aren't curious about the world and don't care to see it. If you're reading this, I hope to inspire you to want to travel more or get you more excited about doing it!

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